As one romance writer to another, I know how difficult it can be to find quality romantic images for your book covers, teasers, and social media marketing. Writing is hard, but marketing is even harder, especially when it's not your forte, or when the art you have access to is subpar and lacks emotion. Also, hiring a photographer and models can be costly. I know because I've done this multiple times myself.

Hiring a photographer and models or buying the images directly from a quality photographer is a great way to go if you have the funds to pay the parties involved. Or you can pay a graphic design to do this all for you.

However, if the cost of these options is overwhelming to you, then ROMANTICALITY can help. I know you have so much to pay for when you are self-publishing and self-marketing your own book. My hope is to provide additional and alternative quality cover and marketing graphics for self-published authors. 

My designs will show single people with fictional elements or romantic couples with depth and emotion. There are also images for non-fiction books, planners, and journals as well. These images are of the highest of quality and will bring life and beauty to your covers and other marketing materials.

When you want a quality book cover with beautiful characters, or illustrations that pop, or one with a romantic couple showing intensity and a true connection, that's where we can provide you with a great raw image to start designing your cover & book teasers. 

Check out our COMMERCIAL LICENSING OPTIONS for what each option grants you the rights to do and not do.