The cuteness! Oh my god the cuteness steamrolling through every one if these stickers is what got me addicted to stickers! I'm so excited to share them with you.

My PRIDE store is coming soon. I will try to post most of these items here too, but there's a bunch, so you may also want to visit my other store to check out what's new.

And... I may be starting a community where LGBTQ members can support other members and where I can do positive affirmations, share Rainbow mom love, where Allies and LGBTQ members can communicate and offer education plus bond and meet other members.

I have some of my Rainbow Vibe Gift's there for little PRIDE goers, which is my kids store items. The website for my kids store is a future project, but I do have an Etsy store with a bunch of shirts and stuff already posted. And soon to be publishing a few photobooks on Amazon that are about equality. I'll post about that soon.


Hope to see you there!  

See my links page for more info. 

FYI----My rainbow, loving nature, and humor shine through at Vibrant Pride. Why? I don't know exempt I feel a little more bold there where here at Romanticality I tend to be more passionate and romantic. Yes, I have multiple personality issues...don't judge me:). 

Much Love, Jolly Raine aka Darby Roman get the picture:). 


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